I have a Pintrest pin that says,
"Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most."
This has been an important statement in my Crossfit journey because nothing has tested my patience with performance more than my time at the box. Nothing has come "now."
I recently had my three-year anniversary at Crossfit Old School and yes, my accomplishments have been worth a brag or two. I went from walking a mile two times a week to running half marathons and deadlifting almost 200 pounds. I can climb ropes, jump on boxes and do hand-stand push-ups.
Crossfit is hard.
It makes me feel like I have accomplished something every day. But it is not instant gratification. Learning to get my double unders took two years. Getting a kipping pull-up took the same. I still struggle every day with overhead squats - mine really suck. No they really do.
I bring this up because I just read an article by a former Crossfitter that states that Crossfit is "exercise and not training."
Here is the stated post: https://www.t-nation.com/training/crossfit-the-good-bad-and-the-ugly
Um, gotta disagree.
The sport training is pure, 100% training. We spend a tedious amount of time on form and technique. But even before I got into the CFOS Sports Program I learned that at my box. I do get concerned that too many boxes are sprouting up in the US and there is bad coaching running amuck. But my box has great coaches. I am lucky.
I also know how to reach out for help if I need it.
With my double unders I was not getting the hang of it. Erin, Donna, no one, could coach me. I was frustrated. I bought a book- didn't help. I watched videos- no luck. I bought a new rope- ugh. Finally I had the nerve to reach out to a local coach of a jump rope team called the Jumping Jaguars. They are the only competitive jump roping team in Kentucky. Could this man help me?
I emailed him. Ha! Imagine getting an email from a 48-year-old mom asking if I could have lessons in double unders!!! But Keith was great and took me on as a project. We met several times in the evening, trying different ropes and different techniques. And low and behold the man taught me what I needed to know, plus I practiced and practiced and practiced. And then I practiced some more.
Today during the WOD we had double unders, and I could hang with my teammates like a champ.
So what is my point?
My point is that this programming is training AND exercise. I walk out of the gym with a daily gratification, but I am slowly building myself into an athlete that can do things I would never have thought I could do 3 years ago. I just have to remember that on days like today, I proved to myself that hard work pays off. Goals can be set and accomplished.
Discipline means listening to your coaches, it means reaching out for help and it means throwing yourself into your workout every day with great intensity.
So I choose what I want MOST even if it takes time..to get stronger and to have better form.
That ain't your typical exercise Mark.
I loved reading this. I have been at CFOS since going through protocol in July. I am 45 and can relate to so much of what you're saying. I just got my first double-unders the other day (I did a total of 4!!!) and was so frustrated with them before that...now that I read you persisted through two years of not getting them, it makes me realize I got off easy there, even though I do not think I have them down yet! My kids go to Natcher and we know Keith Stokes, so that makes your story even more awesome. Just wanted to pop in and thank you for keeping this blog. I will be following from now on!